· My Dream of You. by D. J. Kirkby. NOOK Book (eBook) $ Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. WANT A NOOK? · My Dream of You book. Read 9 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Librarian Note: Alternate/new cover edition for ASIN# B00I4X9DUI. Cr /5(26). · My Dream of You. Published on Sunday 4th December by DJ Kirkby. It was over two years ago that I first had the idea for the novel which would eventually grow into My Dream of bltadwin.ru started out with a first draft called Love and Other Lies.I tucked it away for a while and eventually realised that it had to be rewritten with a lot more focus on Betty.
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My Dream of You. Published on Sunday 7th August by DJ Kirkby. My Dream of bltadwin.ru you like that title?It used to be called Love and Other Lies (novel number 2). I am trundling along with writing the second draft and found myself slightly obsessed with one character from the first draft. My Dream of You. One summer’s day Betty let love carry her a step too far. That exquisite sun dappled afternoon became one of her best memories but also the catalyst for the worst experience of her life. Now elderly, Betty has been running from her past since she was a teenager, and it’s about to catch up with her. My Dream of You book. Read 9 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Librarian Note: Alternate/new cover edition for ASIN# B00I4X9DUI. Cr.