Ebook {Epub PDF} Black Midnight by Graham Diamond

Black Midnight by Graham Diamond.  · Endeavour PRESS UK also released the bestselling BLACK MIDNIGHT thriller, and CRY FOR FREEDOM, the renown story of the Zulu War of in South Africa. CHOCOLATE LENIN by Graham Diamond A satire/thriller set in the near-future, a brilliant but crazed scientist in a chocolate factory recreates the historical revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and restores him back to life. Black Midnight is a gripping thriller filled with tension and suspense. Praise for Graham Diamond ‘Graham Diamond has written a novel that stands out and dares to be different’ – Rising Shadow Graham Diamond was born in Manchester, England, after World War II, and moved to the United States with his family as a young child. He turned to professional writing in his late twenties and has written in .

Graham Diamond. Graham Diamond is a LibraryThing Author, an author who lists their personal library on for books such as The Haven (Playboy Press), Lady of the Haven (Playboy Press), The Thief of Kalimar (Fawcett Books), Black Midnight (Zebra) and Forest Wars (Lion), Marrakesh (Fawcett), Samarkand, Samarkand Dawn, (Playboy). He soon turned. Try our free service - convert any of your text to speech! More than 10 english voices! Black Midnight by Graham Diamond.

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