who's afraid of beowulf? Is one of those joyous comedies that you can enjoy whether you have read up on Viking Sagas or not. If you know who Snorri Sturluson was in real life, you can smile condescendingly at those who don't, but either way this is a fun romp based on, but not dependent on, the colorful, exciting Viking life-style and their travels/5(71). Who’s Afraid of Beowulf? is the second humorous-fantasy novel by popular British author Tom Holt, first published in the UK in by Macmillan Publishers. Unlike Holt's other early books, this is not based on any particular opera or well-known mythic cycle. · Who's Afraid of Beowulf? Well, not Hrolf Earthstar, for a start. The last Norse king of Caithness, Hrolf and his twelwe champions are woken from a centuries-long sleep when Hildy Fredriksenn, archaeologist of the fairer sex, finds their grave. Not only that, Hrolf decides to carry on his ancient war against the Sorcerer-King/5().
Buy Who's Afraid Of Beowulf. by Holt, Tom (ISBN:) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders/5(25). Who's Afraid of Beowulf. is a comic fantasy novel by Tom Holt. Archaeologist Hildy Frederiksen has always wanted to make a major discovery, and an intact Viking ship burial certainly fits the bill. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Who's Afraid of Beowulf? by Tom Holt (, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Who's Afraid of Beowulf? Well, not Hrolf Earthstar, for a start. The last Norse king of Caithness, Hrolf and his twelwe champions are woken from a centuries-long sleep when Hildy Fredriksenn, archaeologist of the fairer sex, finds their grave. Not only that, Hrolf decides to carry on his ancient war against the Sorcerer-King.
Who’s Afraid of Beowulf? is the second humorous-fantasy novel by popular British author Tom Holt, first published in the UK in by Macmillan Publishers. Unlike Holt's other early books, this is not based on any particular opera or well-known mythic cycle. 'Who's afraid of Beowulf' is an in As with all Tom Holt's books, there are complex plots and vast array of characters to keep track of that somehow manages to resolve in full at the end of the 2 stories in this collection. Who's Afraid of Beowulf? Well, not Hrolf Earthstar, for a start. The last Norse king of Caithness, Hrolf and his twelwe champions are woken from a centuries-long sleep when Hildy Fredriksenn, archaeologist of the fairer sex, finds their grave. Not only that, Hrolf decides to carry on his ancient war against the Sorcerer-King.