Tin Cat by Misa Buckley. by Carrie S · Apr 5, at am · View all 5 comments. I really, really wanted to love Tin Cat, and I almost did – but it's one of those books that just can't quite pull all its components together. Tin Cat is about Amber, a woman who owns and runs a comic book shop. Allow me to pause and say – that is. Verdict: Tin Cat is surprisingly good in any number of ways. You expect it to be an ugly duckling story. Meaning that Amber the handicapped ugly duckling gets turned into a beautiful swan by having her handicaps miraculously healed by future tech. Let me reassure you now, Misa Buckley was much smarter than that. Or Amber was. · Tin Cat. by Misa Buckley. Tin Cat by Misa Buckley is a fun paranormal romance novella. I blazed through it and enjoyed every minute. The heroine, Amber, is snarky and brave. I loved that she was an unabashed geek with her own comic book shop to boot! The fact that she is in a wheel chair is a recent adjustment for her.
What an #SFR #author did on her holidays #amreading. This summer holiday I decided that I needed to take a complete break from the internet. I was tired of marketing, tired of publishing, tired of the online dramas and cat-fights and stuff. I was burnt out and just plain exhausted by it all. Although the closure of my main publisher back in May. Tin Cat is a Rare Cat that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule. True Form added in the Version Update decreases movement speed, but gives a boost in defense, in addition to having increased attack power and range. Evolves into Plane Cat at level Evolves Into Robocat at level 30 using Catfruit. + 50% chance to knockback Black enemies Fast movement speed [Evolved] Good health. Misa Buckley is the author of Tin Cat ( avg rating, 27 ratings, 14 reviews, published ), Ironhaven ( avg rating, 24 ratings, 9 reviews, publi.
Tin Cat. Kindle Edition. by. Misa Buckley (Author) › Visit Amazon's Misa Buckley Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Verdict: Tin Cat is surprisingly good in any number of ways. You expect it to be an ugly duckling story. Meaning that Amber the handicapped ugly duckling gets turned into a beautiful swan by having her handicaps miraculously healed by future tech. Let me reassure you now, Misa Buckley was much smarter than that. Or Amber was. Tin Cat by Misa Buckley. A year after the accident that put her in a wheelchair, Amber Gerald has more or less gotten used to living with her impairment. It doesn’t make a difference to running a comic book store anyway, and the customers have been the best support group she could have wished for.